Man does not see what the Lord sees, for man sees what is visible, but the Lord sees the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7b HCSB
“The others are very pretty children,” said the old duck, “all but that one; I wish his mother could improve him a little.” Hans Christian Anderson*
On February of 1932, an American couple living in London gave birth to a baby girl. Unfortunately, she suffered from hypertrichosis and her entire body was completely covered in soft black hair. After a few weeks, her parents were relieved when the hair fell away, unveiling their newborn baby’s exquisite beauty. She grew up to be Elizabeth Taylor.
Samuel had the task of anointing a new king for Israel. When he asked to see the sons of Jesse, no one called David in from the field. He was the youngest and had been selected to watch the sheep while the older brothers were presented to the prophet. However, when David arrived, the Lord said to Samuel, “He is the one.”
The Lord sees your heart. He knows your potential. Be faithful to Him and follow His plans for your life no matter what circumstances tell you.
Lord, help us realize the potential You see in us.
*The Ugly Duckling
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