Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." Matthew 9:37-38 HCSB
How would you feel if your teacher gave you a group project to complete on your own? Would you feel overwhelmed? Would you give up? Would you ask the teacher to assign other students to help you?
Read Matthew 9:37-38 again.
How did Jesus feel when He saw the people and why do you think He felt this way?
What did Jesus tell His disciples to do?
How would Jesus feel about our world today?
How should you pray as a result of seeing the world through Jesus’ eyes?
It is obvious from reading this story that Jesus cares about people. Matthew 9:36 shows us that when Jesus saw the crowds, “He felt compassion on them because they were weary and worn out.” Jesus knew the spiritual, physical, and emotional condition of the people in those crowds and this led Him to command His disciples to pray that God would send Christian workers to help them.
Jesus sees and knows the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of today as well. He sees that people are weary and worn out. He knows that they need Christian workers to lead them. He wants you to pray. He wants you to get on your knees and ask God to send the right people into the most desperate places of the world so that they might know Him.
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