Lord, I love the house where You dwell, the place where Your glory resides. Psalm 26:8 HCSB
Without worship, we go about miserable. A.W. Tozer*
I’m sure this never happens to you, but I have days when I feel like I just want to kill somebody. I walk around, tired and angry, snapping at everyone who even comes near me. I bark at my wife, snap at my coworkers, and even frown at young children and pets. Often, on the days when I go about in this rotten, miserable state, I realize that I haven’t spent any time in the presence of God.
When you spend time worshiping the Lord, troubling situations in life are put back into their proper perspective. God’s presence lifts you above your circumstances and helps you understand the next step of your life’s journey. If that isn’t enough, the Holy Spirit then helps you remember all that the Lord has done for you and as a result you begin to smile or even weep with joy.
With this in mind, what reason could there possibly be for me to ever neglect His presence?
Thank You, Lord, for the restoring, rejuvenating power of Your presence.