Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began. Psalm 139:16 HCSB
God’s gifts put man’s best dreams to shame. Elizabeth Barrett Browning*
I watched as the teenage girl silently looked at the pictures of her family on the wall. Her brothers and sisters were much older than she and had long since started their own families. Many of their awards still graced the picture wall. She turned and said, “I don’t fit into my family. It’s easy to see that I was an accident.”
My young friend may have been a surprise to her family, but the Lord had plans for her before she was ever conceived. He knew the ins and outs of each day that she would live. He saw the happiest moments of her life and he already knew the number of tears that she would ever cry. He gifted her with talents and abilities that would make her unique and special. As she was being formed, He turned to the angels and said, “She sure is precious to me.”
Lord, thank You that none of us are accidents.
*Sonnets From the Portuguese, 26
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