So that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow-of those who are in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10-11 HCSB
Hog Island is a short distance from the Port of Nassau. For years, it was a farming island where many Bahamians raised their hogs. When investors purchased the island, hoping to convert it into an upscale tourist destination, they realized no one would want to spend money to stay on “Hog” Island. So, in 1962, the Bahamian Parliament changed the name to “Paradise” Island. Today, it is home to the world-renowned Atlantis resort.
Sometimes, a name changes everything.
The name of Jesus is powerful. There is salvation in His name. Saying His name adds power to our prayers. When we speak it aloud or sing it in a praise song or hymn, everything changes. His name is a strong and mighty tower when we are under spiritual attack. When we are weary from the battle, the name of Jesus is a refuge where we can rest. His name transforms lives forever.
Jesus, Your name changes everything. We worship You.