Jehoshaphat was afraid, so he resolved to seek the Lord. So he proclaimed a fast for all Judah, who gathered to seek the Lord. They even came from all the cities of Judah to seek Him. 2 Chronicles 20:3-4 HCSB
What would you do if you heard that someone wanted to hurt you? What if you discovered that it was your neighbors joining forces to attack you? Would you be afraid?
When Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, heard the reports that the Moabites, the Ammonites, and the Meunites had come to fight against him, he was afraid. However, he chose not to run, hide, or to attack them. Instead, he chose to seek the Lord. He declared a fast for the entire nation and residents from every city of Judah joined him in seeking the Lord.
What should we do when we are afraid? Should we run away? Should we hide in our closets? Should we rush out to face the source of our fear? Or should we seek the Lord?
When evil comes our way, we should pray. When we are afraid, we should pray. When it seems that all is lost, we should pray.
Lord, remind us to seek You when we are afraid.
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