Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. Proverbs 4:23 HCSB
As a payment for pleasure, it’s a high price to pay. For a soul that remains sincere, with a conscience clear, guard your heart. Steve Green*
When I was in college, I made a white tissue heart for a girl that I was dating. She smiled when I gave it to her, but later it she used it to blow her nose and tossed it into the trash. That evening, I decided to guard my tissue hearts more carefully.
Many of us today are careful to guard our investments, our families, our creativity, our homes, our ministries, and our friends, but if we are not careful to guard our hearts, we are in danger of losing everything. The values that we set our hearts upon will be the determining factor in the course of our lives. Just as a slightest move of a rudder can change the course of a ship, so the smallest indiscretion can change the course of our lives and ministries.
Lord, help us always guard our hearts.
*Guard Your Heart
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